Winterlude is Ottawa's annual winter festival that goes on for 3 weeks every February. This year we didn't get to experience too much of it, but we did go skating on the Rideau Canal, the worlds largest outdoor skating rink!
We went a couple of weekends ago when it was bright and sunny and windy!
I tried out my new bright pink BOB Skates but they kept falling off.
Mama thinks it's because we hadn't adjusted them to fit my boots properly, and she is hopeful we can try them again! I kept slipping and falling though. Who knew skating was so difficult.
I had really wanted to try skating just like two of my friends from daycare, but after falling a few times and having daddy adjust my skates, I finally decided to just walk.
We had started at a place called Dows Lake, and skated to where they have all these buildings, one that sells something called Beavertails.
We didn't end up trying one this year because there were soooo many people and I was getting restless. I don't like waiting for a long time, especially in the cold, and on the slippery ice where I just want to run and play!
Looks like a fun day! My kids had a hard time keeping the bob skates on too Little Miss.