Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Here we come...

I seem to have taken a holiday from blogging as well, and now that I'm back at it, I don't have the camera cable to upload new pictures.... doh. I will try to make it up to you tomrorow!

Now that we're back into the swing of things, I'm realizing that I have much to do already! The Little Miss will be TWO in only 52 days (but whose counting really). I can't believe how fast the past two years have flown by.

I told myself after last years big ONE celebration that I wouldn't go crazy this year, and I do want to tame things down a bit, but people are already asking when the party will be! Did I set a precedent last year? Do I have expectations to live up to in 2010? Sigh, and thus the worry planning begins!

Otherwise we've had a great holiday. We drove 1000km to visit all the family, and thank you to our neighbour for saving us on the way down and my dad on the way back. We borrowed then received our own Portable DVD player, so now all I have to say is "If you want to watch Elmo, you have to sit in your seat". Now I get to hear, "sit car, Elmo potty time" over and over again until she is strapped in. I can't complain though, as now she doesn't complain on hour 4 of the trip!

I have many cute stories to tell, but they need pictures, so for now, here is a cutie my friend Heather took while over for a cookie baking playdate before Christmas :)


  1. Chapters sells a book called "Hello, Cupcake" it's a book with cupcake designs, I just bought it and I CANNOT WAIT till Owen's party in May! (And they are easy and require nothing else but icing...they show you how to cut plastic baggies to get the shapes you need)

  2. Never mind the cupcakes Chrissie...I'm making the cake and you can't say no!! Just let me know what she wants. Bugs, Castles, Characters... the sky it the limit.
