Friday, August 28, 2009

Feeding the ducks

As some of you may know, the first intelligible sound Rebekah made about a year ago was the sound of a duck - Quack Quack.

When I was a kid, we always used to feed the ducks at the cottage, and I was hoping that the ducks would still be hanging around 20 years later.

They were!

I went into a local bakery and they generously gave us a huge bag of day old buns to feed the ducks (enough for a week, seriously!), so everyday we would go down to the dock after breakfast and again after naptime, to feed the ducks.

The first few days Rebekah loved watching daddy throw the bread to the ducks and would get all excited to see all the "Quack Quacks".

By the end of the week, she knew that we went to the "pool" aka lake, to throw bread to the ducks. One afternoon on our way there she found a bun and I was able to ask her what she was going to do with it, and the following conversation ensued....

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cleaning Up!

We built a fence this summer and ended up with a bunch of leftover wood.
After all was said and done, our garage was full of wood scraps and boards that weren't good enough in some spots for the fence.
At the same time, without us even realizing it, our family room was being overrun by toys.
Enter a great idea.
Lets use the scraps and not good enough boards to clean up the toys.
"Hunny, can you build me some toy storage?"
At this point, James isn't thinking Chrissy had such a good idea, but he helps to plan a layout for said storage shelf anyways!
Chrissy goes off to Ikea and buys a bunch of Trofast bins and suggests that these will be used as the drawers for our storage.
We start building. Does anyone realize how heavy 2x4's can get when you start screwing 11" and 30" lengths together? What going to happen when we add the side and back boards? This thing is going to be heavy! Well, we've come this far, lets keep going!

Once all is said and done, I give the unit a coating of water proofing/sealer to protect it. Let it dry and air out in the garage for a few days, add some felt protectors too the bottom, install some foamy floor mats, and bring it in the house to load it up!

Have to take a few pictures of the handywork before it gets loaded with toys though!

And now finally, we can reclaim our family room... well somwhat at least!!

Thanks Hunny!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer Fun, Volume One

Well we've been pretty busy so far this summer and I haven't had a chance to upload pictures... that and by the time I sit down at night I'm too lazy to get back up and find the camera and cable to do it!

Sooooo, I'm going to be updating our summer in installments!

I must admit, I wish I could be more like some of my other blogging friends who get online everyday or every few days, but I am learning that I don't think I will ever get there, so for that, I'm sorry!

We visited family and the cottage for about a week and a half in August, and Rebekah really seemed to enjoy all the new sights and people to play with.

She found some birds to love and hug...

Got annoyed when the other kids wouldn't share the slide, so took her own turn anyways....

And even took some time to stop and smell the flowers in Nan's Garden.

And before heading home had to have some cuddle time with Gramma.